
A Little 'April Fools Day' Fun

I definitely do not fall into the "prankster" category of people...my college roommates will attest to this.  But I am all up for some fun with my kids (and in today's case the entire Pre-K class).

I saw this amazingly fun looking cupcakes from Sara over at Our Best Bites (if you haven't been over to their site, you MUST check it out...amazing).  I knew the cupcakes would be perfect for Annika's Pre-K class.  Who doesn't love to tell kids you are bringing cupcakes and then show up with carrots and peas??

So I set to work and here are the results...

Peas & Carrots
Green frosting topped with orange Starburst (quartered) and green Laffy Taffy (rolled into peas)

Mashed Potatoes
White frosting, caramel sauce and a yellow Starburst

Spaghetti & Meatballs
White frosting (made into spaghetti with a piping bag and size 4 tip), Ferrero Rocher covered with jam (I used raspberry, but I think you'd get better color with strawberry)

Cute, right??  And really fun to do.  The kids thought they was quite funny...although a few couldn't get over the idea of what they looked like.  

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