
Proverbs 31

Sometimes, its overwhelming to fill the roles of mother, wife, daughter, friend (you get the idea).  Sometimes we focus on the wrong things...sometimes the "little things" get to us.  Its not easy.  

Take a look at this post over at Casey Wiegands blog based on Proverbs 31.  

Its refreshing...its honest...its inspiring.  It reminds me why I need Jesus!  

I pray its refreshing and uplifting and just what you need today.  


Spaghetti Sauce for Canning

Well it's begun...

The craziness of tomato season.  I think our plants are on steroids.  Huge stems...lots of dead leaves...and plenty of tomatoes to get us through the next year (or two).

After doing salsa for quite a few years (and having enough to last through the year),
we decided to try some spaghetti sauce last year...
Completely worth the effort.

Slightly sweet...nice and thick...
Perfect for spaghetti or pizza or dipping.

Spaghetti Sauce
adapted from recipe #37563 on food.com
Makes 3 quarts

1/4 cup olive oil
3 onions, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
3-12 oz cans tomato paste
3-4 tbsp brown sugar (this will depend on the acidity of your tomatoes)
1 tbsp dried oregano
4 tsp salt
1 tbsp dried basil
1 tsp black pepper
12 cups tomatoes, peeled, cored and chopped 

Heat oil in large pot over medium high heat.  Saute onions and garlic until tender.  
Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. 
Reduce heat; simmer, partially covered, for 2 hours stirring occasionally.
Blend to smooth (if desired).
You can now proceed with canning, (process for 35 minutes in a boiling covered canner)
or cool completely and freeze.  

I'm linking up at Jane Deere's Fusion Fridays

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What's for Dinner? Week 4

We made it through the first AND second days of Kindergarten.  And I think I'm the only one scarred from it.  :)  Okay, it wasn't quite that bad...but I'll never forget it!  She's having a wonderful time though...and that's what is important.  

On to this weeks' menu:

Tuesday:  We have a meeting at school, so the kids are having corn dogs with the sitter
Wednesday:  Brats
Thursday:  Leftovers
Friday:  Fish and Homemade Potato Chips (this will be a first for me!)
Saturday and Sunday:  ??  We'll see what happens by then


Grandma Doris

I miss my Grandma.  

I want to call her...

To tell her that I'm so overwhelmed at the thought of Annika starting Kindergarten tomorrow...
To have her tell me that it will be great...that Annika will do great...but that she can't believe she's going to Kindergarten either.
To hear what she has been keeping busy with...
And how her church friends are.
To have her remind me how wonderful my husband is...and how blessed I am to have him in my life...
To hear stories about what she used to do for Grandpa...
To remind me only to use the seasonings in my food that Ryan likes.
So I can tell her what I've been sewing...
And how my garden is doing.
To hear her say that she loves me...that she can't wait to see me...but that I shouldn't come up unless the weather is really good.  

I miss her so much...my heart breaks.  

She used to have this wonderful desert at her house.  Chocolate cake.  Marshmallows.  Chocolate Frosting.  I'm not sure what the real recipe is...or what she called it.  But I was craving the comfort of Grandma Doris so badly yesterday I had to recreate something similar.  

Too bad my recipe only made 6.  I may need more before the week is over.  :)

So here's to you Grandma Doris....
Thank you for being an amazing Woman of God, Grandma and friend.  

I love you!

Keep watching for this wonderful recipe...it's coming!  


What's for Dinner? Week 3

With Annika's birthday, there was no menu last week.  It was a "use up what's here" week.  Cleaning out the fridge and pantry to make room for the groceries I would need for her party.

This week, with school starting up, we're back in the game.

Monday:  Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Tuesday:  Taco Pasta Shells
Wednesday:  Meatball Subs
Thursday:  Steak and Baked Potatoes (its the first day of school and this is Annika's favorite!)
Friday:  Fish and Baked Rice Pilaf
Saturday:  ?
Sunday:  ?

Okay, so I'm almost back up and running.  I'll fill in those two when I figure them out.  :)

What are you serving this week?


Happy Birthday, Annika!

My little girl turned 6 this weekend...what!?!?!?!?!?!  

Can't believe it myself.  Where did the time go??  As far as I'm concerned we should still be here.

August 13, 2005 - 3 lbs 14 oz -
and already planning to do things her own way  :)

Okay, not "at the hospital" here, but...you get my drift.

What a beautiful, young lady she is becoming.  I pray she continues to grow in the Lord...to love Him more each day...to serve Him and serve others...to stand up for what she believes in...and so much more...

Love you little lady!! 


What's for Dinner? Week 2

After an amazing weekend with girlfriends, Monday was a struggle to get back into.  But I managed to pull together an almost complete menu for the coming week.

Monday:  Brats and Lemon Basil Pasta
Tuesday:  Crock Pot Roast and Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday:  Leftovers
Thursday:  Chicken Sandwiches
Friday:  ??  (this is the "almost complete" portion)
Saturday:  take out (we have a day packed full of "to-dos"
Sunday:  Breakfast for Supper - I'm thinking breakfast burritos